I was born in Salt Lake City, Utah, and raised in Redland, California. From a young age, my parents instilled the traits of hard work and service to others. Both of my parents provided excellent examples of this as my father was a schoolteacher and my mother was a small business owner. I first learned about small business leadership from my mom, who owned and operated an interior design business. After graduating from Redlands Senior High in Southern California, I attended Crafton Hills College where I studied Business and Finance. While there, I worked as an Operations Manager for a Los Angeles-based wireless technology company. After completing my two years at Crafton Hills College I began working as a Senior Marketing Director for J.E. Group, a Los Angeles company that was involved in hospitality, real estate, and finance. As a young man, I had an interest in serving my country and while working for J.E. Group, I left the company to enlist in the United States Army. After attending Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), I graduated from the Army Basic Airborne Course (BAC), where I then served my country as a Paratrooper with 1st Special Forces Group Airborne. While enlisted in the Army I spent my 6 years of service supporting the Operational Detachment Alphas (ODAs) in various roles. Some of the roles include working in operations in the Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (HHD) as a battalion command team aide developing interoperability between special operations forces and conventional forces, and fostering relationships with adjacent units and supporting organizations. I also spent time supporting the Army Special Forces combat dive teams as well as supporting the Maritime Assessment Course (MAC) while assigned to Special Forces Advanced Skills Company (SFASC). During my military service, I also attended Tacoma Community College where I continued my education studying accounting and business. After leaving the military I began my career as an accountant at L.C. Miller CPA, PS.
When not at the office, I’m likely with my family, enjoying time together. My wife, Marysol, and I are blessed with three children who enjoy basketball, camping, and tennis.
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